Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Time of The Year

The epic celebration of love is around the bend. This is the moment you're waiting for. Close your eyes and breathe in everything (because everything is love).

It's not single awareness day really. It's self awareness. For once, at least on that day, be aware of the contribution of the greatest person in your life: you.

Keep the love pumpin', my dear rockers.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Stairway to Heavens

No matter which path you take; home is where the heart is.

A Web Less Intricate

Beneath every weary kilograms on your shoulders, and after every blinking of the cursor at the end of your research paper, we should create a world less complicated and more simple. Where your essence is pure elation on being alive.

We etched our realization into our hearts with a slight nod of our heads. Our fingers wrapped around the spine of the book we were reading, another around the handle of our tea. A new morning dawns beautiful, and we will wait for it till then.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Resting Blue

Oh how hectic can life be. You dash across the room, run over pavements and race across streets. Your eyes are opened but your mind is blinded by the mess of your thoughts.

Relinquish in the fact that you are alive.

Dance instead of dashing. Twirl when you get bored. Calm you mind with a morning lullaby.

See things not in the openness of the eyes, but of the heart. For just as the heart can be so forgiving. It is the widest cosmos in the universe. Just as my love for you is.

My love is as wide as blue.