Monday, September 24, 2012

The Silent Fissure

Do you know how a heartbreak should've sound like? It doesn't break a creak. And you would expect something so morbidly wrenching to sound more cosmic than that. Maybe, just maybe, the sound of all 6,500 windows of the Empire State Building cracking in unison would sound as much. But no, out there, a gradual fissure on a small rock on the surface of earth would make a more distinct sound than a breaking heart.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Giving of Hearts

No thief is as lovely as you.


Dear readers,

let me take a moment to preach about love, and a man who had a dream.

He dreamt of finding words where others have failed, to spread them like fire and rock n roll, hoping that one day someone will be lost for words, and remember a line/phrase/a story from here and save a love/ a life/ another dream.

Please follow, and retweet the work you love. For I could not have done this without you. I am you too.

Thank you, everyone.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Significance & Relevance

Sometimes I woke up before my eyes do and I imagined how tiny I am.Compared to the air, I am a tiny speck in the distance between the Earth and the Sky. Compared to the world, I am alone. Compared to space,and everything I do is irrelevant. Compare to the mega-universe and I am imaginary.

And I floated in bed for seconds that felt like years. For the briefest of seconds, there was peace.

Suddenly in its turn, I panicked. Like a man in the middle of the sea, size ate me up and devoured like a man in sea and I struggled for size, and broke open my eyes and searched.

For relevance, for comparison, and for assurance.

That I am still accounted for. That my opinions do matter. That it is okay. So I burrowed my face into your arms, and I knew I am real, that I existed and I am your significance.
