Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Significance & Relevance

Sometimes I woke up before my eyes do and I imagined how tiny I am.Compared to the air, I am a tiny speck in the distance between the Earth and the Sky. Compared to the world, I am alone. Compared to space,and everything I do is irrelevant. Compare to the mega-universe and I am imaginary.

And I floated in bed for seconds that felt like years. For the briefest of seconds, there was peace.

Suddenly in its turn, I panicked. Like a man in the middle of the sea, size ate me up and devoured like a man in sea and I struggled for size, and broke open my eyes and searched.

For relevance, for comparison, and for assurance.

That I am still accounted for. That my opinions do matter. That it is okay. So I burrowed my face into your arms, and I knew I am real, that I existed and I am your significance.


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